
Having a successful online business is not just about the money, but more about having the freedom to live the lifestyle of your choice. You might want to build a 6 figure online business, quit your 9-5 job, build another income stream if you like your present job or are retired, spend more time with your family or just help others to realise their dreams....

It's up to you.


The other thing is that you MUST keep it SIMPLE, especially at first. The simpler you keep your initial business setup, the easier it is to understand how things are working and fix things that go wrong. Simple things don't break so often. You can and scale up and add as many bells and whistles once you know the basics are working.h4>


In my experience there are just two key things that stop people having their own online business. The first is they don't have the right mindset. Secondly they over complicate things.


The Most Important Thing You'll Ever Do Is To Work Out What You Really Want! First- Find Your Dream. Second begin setting your own business based around that dream. Look at your life and think how much $100k a year, working just three hours a day would change things for you! You never know, it might be quite exciting!

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